What makes us unique

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We harness expertise of local and global communities

Our approach is based both on our pan-african network of experts and entrepreneurs and on  pro bono contribution of international experts through the RegenTime Bank ©.

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We break the silos between climate and biodiversity, urban and rural

 Because all is interconnected - when the current conversation led by governments, donors, consulting firms or infrastructure funds focus on specific sectors.

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We harness international capital and local investors in developing countries

When urban development or ecosystem preservation are mostly financed by international aid .

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We work past sustainability, corporate social responsibility and inclusive growth

We build truly regenerative projects based on innovative business models serving thriving communities.

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We seek to build a bottom-up movement of local actions

We work on local actions with global significance that need to be enhanced through consciousness, know-how, capital and collaborations.

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We focus on gaps that impede projects to mature and thrive

 We mobilize collective intelligence and collaborations to achieve it .

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We are a collective of like- minded visionaries and operators

Who strive to operate differently in a system of capital flows and international governance that is no longer working to serve the challenges at stake.

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We are working past sustainability, corporate social responsibility and inclusive growth

To build truly regenerative projects based on innovative business models serving thriving communities.